Pareja de Kentucky bajo arresto domiciliario con pulseras de tobillo porque se negaron a poner en cuarentena

Woah woah woah, ¿qué diablos está pasando en Kentucky? Esperaría esto de California, Nueva York o Corea del Norte, pero no de Kentucky:
A Kentucky couple says they were placed under house arrest and fitted with ankle bracelets after they refused to sign a self-quarantine order over a positive coronavirus test.
Elizabeth Linscott of Radcliff said she got tested for COVID-19 as a precaution because she was planning to visit her family in Michigan, news station WAVE reported.
The next day, she received a positive along with an email from the health department containing a form to sign, The News-Enterprise reported.
The document asked that she check in daily with her symptoms, self-isolate and let officials know if she has to seek hospital treatment.
Hasta ahora todo bien, pero aquí está el turno:
But Linscott said she opted not to sign because she worried about whether she would have time to contact health officials in the event of a health emergency.
“My part was if I have to go to the ER, if I have to go to the hospital, I’m not going to wait to get the approval to go,” Linscott told WAVE.
Hmmm No estoy seguro de eso, pero las personas son libres, en su mayoría, de dar malas excusas por su comportamiento. Está en la Constitución. De todos modos, así es como reaccionaron los funcionarios:
But on Thursday, Linscott’s husband, Isaiah, was greeted by local authorities at the front door of their home.
“I open up the door and there’s like eight different people,” he said. “I’m like what the heck’s going on?”
“This guy’s in a suit with a mask, it’s the health department guy and he has three different papers for us. For me, her and my daughter.”
The couple was placed under house arrest for two weeks and ordered to wear ankle monitors that will notify law enforcement if they travel more than 200 feet from the property, the reports said.
Maldición. Eso es bastante pesado. Me pregunto qué castigo enfrentarían si violaran la orden. Sin embargo, esta es la mejor parte: "El Departamento de Salud del Distrito Lincoln Trail se negó a comentar sobre el asunto, citando la privacidad de la familia". Uhm ... están hablando con los medios, ¿así que supongo que su privacidad ya no es un problema?

Associated Press tampoco pudo lograr que nadie hablara:
Hardin County Sheriff John Ward said his office was on hand to execute court documents from a Hardin County Circuit Court judge. It was the first time his office executed such an order, he said.
Lincoln Trail District Health Department spokeswoman Terrie Burgan declined to comment on the matter to protect the privacy of the family.
Ahí tienes. Definitivamente me gustaría ver la justificación legal de esto, aunque no voy a suponer simplemente que es incorrecto o correcto según mis gustos políticos o afiliación. Todo lo que sé es que los monitores de tobillo son muy molestos. Especialmente cuando te hacen usar dos de ellos. No preguntes cómo lo sé. Probablemente ya he dicho demasiado.
