El representante estatal demócrata negro de toda la vida dice que Biden es un "fanático de pura sangre" que votará por Trump

Vernon Jones, un representante del estado negro de Georgia y demócrata de toda la vida, ha salido a favor de Trump y en contra de Biden y ofreció muchas razones para explicar su posición en un artículo de opinión en el Daily Caller.

Aquí hay algo de lo que dijo:
Joe Biden is directly responsible for the mass incarceration policies of the 1980s and 1990s, which decimated the black community. Biden authored the 1994 crime bill which imposed mandatory minimum sentences, disproportionately putting hundreds of thousands of young black men in prison.
President Trump has worked to undo injustices within our criminal justice system. He signed the First Step Act, the first major reform to our criminal justice system in a decade. Thanks to the president’s leadership on this issue, our criminal justice system is fairer and our communities are safer.
As black Americans, we need to be aware of the clear choice in front of us. Joe Biden has betrayed black Americans throughout his career in Washington. President Trump has spent his 3.5 years in office fighting to improve the lives of black Americans.
We cannot be tricked again. Democrats like Biden will conveniently appear in our neighborhoods and pander to us from now until November. Why? Because they only care about black people during election years.
The leadership of Joe Biden and President Donald Trump is being revealed for us all to see. Joe Biden is divisive and ineffective. Meanwhile, President Trump is unifying, pragmatic and fearless.
My 90-year-old mother passed away in April. I learned my independent views from her.
I am black and I am a Democrat. But “I ain’t” voting for Joe Biden this November.
Vale la pena leer lo que escribió por completo.
