BIZARRE: Hombre sometido después de amenazar con matar a todos en el avión a menos que admitieran que Jesús era un hombre negro ...

Un hombre fue sometido después de amenazar con matar a todos a bordo de un vuelo de Alaska Airlines a menos que admitieran que Jesús era un hombre negro:

Si miras el video, verás al hombre sometido por varios otros hombres y llegó un anuncio por el intercomunicador de que iban a hacer un aterrizaje de emergencia. Ese aterrizaje ocurrió en Seattle, donde el hombre fue arrestado:
Học Để Thi – Port of Seattle Police arrested a man accused of threatening other passengers on an Alaska Airlines flight headed to Chicago late Saturday night.
The incident occurred shortly after Alaska Airlines Flight 422 took off at 11:10 p.m., said Peter McGraw, spokesperson for the port. The man was apparently unarmed and no one was injured.
“The man became extremely belligerent and physically aggressive during the ascent,” Ray Lane, external communications manager for Alaska Airlines, said in an email.
Video from a passenger shows the man walking in the aisle and shouting that he would kill everyone on board “in the name of Jesus.” The man was wearing a face mask, as were most other passengers.
Flight crew, two passengers and a law-enforcement officer who happened to be on board quickly subdued the man, Lane said.
The plane turned around and landed at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. When police boarded, the man was cooperative, McGraw said. He was booked into the King County Jail on suspicion of harassment. The Seattle Times is not naming the arrested man because he has not yet been charged with a crime.
McGraw had no information on the man’s motivation, and said police are still investigating.
The flight was canceled and passengers were booked on the next available flights to Chicago.
Tal vez el hombre era un activista de BLM. Acabamos de ver hace un par de semanas a uno de los líderes de BLM afirmando falsamente en Fox News que Jesús era realmente un hombre negro.
