Megyn Kelly quema a NBC por episodios de cara negra ...

NBC ha tenido que eliminar episodios de tres programas diferentes debido a "cara negra". El último es Scrubs:

The popular comedy Scrubs is the latest show to be haunted by its racially insensitive episodes from the past. Deadline has confirmed that Hulu has removed episodes from the series featuring characters in blackface.
The three episodes in question include the episode titled “My Fifteen Seconds” from season 3 as well as “My Jiggly Ball” and “My Chopped Liver” from season 5. The episodes feature Zach Braff’s character J.D. and Sarah Chalke’s character Elliot in blackface. Scrubs debuted in 2001 and ran for nine seasons, first on NBC and then moving to ABC for seasons eight and nine.
Bill Lawrence, who created the series, responded to a tweet that called for the streamer to remove the blackface episodes after NBCUniversal did the same with episodes of 30 Rock. A Twitter user said the same needed to be done with Scrubs and Lawrence replied, “Agreed. Already in the works.”
The removal of the blackface episodes of 30 Rock and Scrubs comes at a time of reckoning for TV’s embarrassing past with the portrayal and mocking of race. HBO Max removed Gone With the Wind from its newly launched streaming platform but is set to bring back the film with a disclaimer about historical context. Jimmy Kimmel also recently apologized for his blackface impersonation of NBA star Karl Malone on Comedy Central’s The Man Show.
Los otros dos shows fueron 30 Rock y SNL de NBC.
Megyn Kelly respondió a las noticias de tantos problemas de cara negra de NBC como este:

¡AUGE! Hablar sobre hipocresía con esteroides.
Recuerde, el comentario de Kelly sobre la cara negra fue en relación con Halloween, donde notó que cuando era niña estaba bien siempre y cuando los niños se vistieran como un personaje popular. Por eso fue destrozada y despedida.
Si no es hipocresía sobre la cara negra, es hipocresía sobre el movimiento #metoo al tratar de proteger a Harvey Weinstein. Es sorprendente que alguien de la izquierda le dé a NBC la hora del día.
