INFORME: Múltiples flujos de información sugieren que los rusos están dando recompensas a las tropas estadounidenses ...

Học Để Thi informa que fueron múltiples flujos de inteligencia los que regresaron con los informes de recompensas rusos, pero que algunos de ellos fueron contradictorios y es por eso que nunca llegaron a Trump:
Multiple intelligence threat streams indicated Russian intelligence operatives offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants to kill U.S. troops, but while the National Security Council met recently to come up with a number of responses to the report, it did not brief President Trump, Fox News has learned.
According to a senior U.S. official who has been briefed on the matter, members of the NSC recently met at the White House to discuss “a menu of responses” to reports they had received about Russian actions in Afghanistan.
The official said that the information the NSC received was based on “several streams of intelligence of concern” with some of it being contradictory and some open to interpretation.
The Washington Post further reported that the Russian bounties are “believed to have resulted in the deaths of several U.S. service members.” And The Associated Press reported that officials said an April 2019 attack on an American convoy that killed three Marines in Afghanistan is under investigation.
The Kremlin is denying the claims. A Putin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, told NBC News on Monday that the Russia bounties story is “bulls—t.”
Trump ahora ha sido informado:
Meanwhile, a White House official acknowledged to Fox News on Monday that Trump has now been briefed on the intelligence behind reports of Russian bounties on U.S. troops in Afghanistan. It’s unclear exactly when this briefing took place, but the official says it took place sometime “after the NY Times reported on unverified intelligence.”
This statement is at odds with answers Kayleigh McEnany, White House press secretary gave to members of the White House press corps during Monday’s briefing. McEnany said – “The president has not been briefed on the matter” – and gave multiple variations of that answer throughout the briefing. But the White House official said, “Kayleigh meant the President had not been previously briefed on the matter (before the NYT report came out)”
"Rusia intentará cubrir sus huellas ..."
The White House on Monday insisted there is “no consensus” that the intelligence that Russia offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants to kill U.S. troops is accurate, which is why, it said, the issue was never flagged to President Trump or Vice President Mike Pence.
A separate source within the military told Fox News on Monday that special operations forces this year raided a Taliban outpost and recovered roughly $500,000, with a subsequent interrogation of an Afghan fighter revealing that the money came from Russia.
The source added, however, that the information was unable to be easily verified and the incident was not included in briefings to senior leaders at the Pentagon.
U.S. officials are now concerned because of the leaked story that Russia will try to cover its tracks on this so-called bounty scheme.
Si bien los informes de inteligencia son difíciles de verificar y tienen problemas de credibilidad, parece que algunos creen que aún podría ser cierto, ya que temen que Rusia ahora intente cubrir sus huellas. Espero que no sea cierto, pero sinceramente no me sorprendería si lo fuera. Rusia realmente quiere ser el jugador dominante en esa región y no les gusta que Estados Unidos esté allí.
