Jonathan Turley hit CNN this morning for their “negative spin” on Trump Easter claim

Constitutional law scholar Jonathan Turley criticized national media outlets for reporting what he claims is a misrepresentation of President Trump's remarks about when Americans can expect to see the U.S. economy reopen after the coronavirus crisis.
"CNN is running a headline that Trump 'now' claims Easter was aspirational," Turley said. "I have criticized Trump statements but he never said Easter was a firm deadline as opposed to his hope. The unrelentingly negative spin on stories makes it difficult for viewers to trust the media."
He’s right. As soon as Trump mentioned Easter as a possible day for lifting some of these coronavirus restrictions to get the economy back going again, the media ran with it like he’d set it in stone. And when they were reporting it or asking Trump about it, it was always as though he was at odds with his task force over it as if he was forcing it on them despite their disapproval.
It was a media manufactured controversy and now that it’s not going to happen they are claiming Trump is ‘now’ saying it was only aspirational. What a pathetic group of people…
