[VIDEO] La mujer saca un arma ... ¡en un DRIVE-THRU!

People seem to get more reckless by the day.
At a Wendy’s not far from Atlanta, a woman actually pulled out a gun on the Drive-Thru clerk because wanted a refund. She was apparently frustrated with her wait time and her order.
She also had kids in the car.

Here’s more:
FOX 5 – A case of fast food frustration turned into fury at a McDonough restaurant when a customer pulled a gun on the clerk at the drive up window.
It was a moment captured on surveillance video at the Wendy’s in Jonesboro Road, an angry woman pulling a pistol on the clerk at the window.
Henry County said the drive-thru assault occurred Saturday night around 11:15 when the woman, an adult passenger and some children in the back seat pulled up to the window.
Officials told FOX 5 she ordered a junior meal for the kids and apparently was not satisfied with the order or wait time and demanded a refund.
On video you see her grab back her debit card back then point the pistol.
“If the gun would have been fired it would could have harmed the clerk at the window, subsequent employees or any customers that could have been in the restaurant as well” said Henry County Police Department Sgt. John Davis.
Now there’s a “be on the lookout” poster at the drive up window at the Wendy’s.
The employee involved or management at the restaurant did not give a comment.
Ella no solo sacó la pistola y la apuntó. ¡Si no me equivoco, el video muestra que está cargando uno en la cámara también!
Sé lo frustrante que puede ser esperar en la comida y luego tener la orden desordenada en un drive-thru. Pero eso nunca es una excusa para apuntar un arma cargada a la gente.
Justo el otro día te contamos sobre un hombre que sacó un arma de fuego contra otro hombre en el estacionamiento del Club de Sam. Ahora esto. A diferencia de ese tipo, estaría dispuesto a apostar que esta mujer no tiene un permiso de acarreo o tal vez incluso un permiso de compra para su arma.
