¡Trump le pedirá al Congreso $ 8,6 BILLONES para el muro fronterizo!

Parece que todos esos informes acerca de que Trump haya encontrado fondos suficientes en otro lugar para su muro no son completamente exactos al 100%.

Es por eso que está haciendo una gran solicitud del Congreso:
President Trump will ask Congress on Monday for $8.6 billion in additional funding to build a wall along the United States border with Mexico, a person familiar with the details said on Sunday.
The request, which will come as part of Mr. Trump’s fiscal 2020 budget proposal, is certain to reignite a conflict with Democrats that led to a record-long government shutdown this year. Mr. Trump had previously requested $5.7 billion to build a wall but was rebuffed by both Democrats and Republicans, who approved a spending bill that did not include the funding.
That resulted in Mr. Trump declaring a national emergency on the border with Mexico to access billions of dollars that Congress refused to give him to build a wall there.
The new budget request is intended to allow for the completion of 700 miles of barrier, which is the total that Mr. Trump intends to build, mostly new but some refurbished.
Aquí está Kudlow hablando de eso en Fox News hoy:

Por supuesto que los demócratas intentarán bloquearlo. Es hora de que Mr. Best-Negotiator-in-Human-History salga y nos muestre lo que puede hacer ...
