President Barack Obama: My Worst Mistake As Prez Was Failure To Plan For ‘Day After’ In Libya

Libya dissolved into civil war in 2011 after Qaddafi aggressively quashed protests against his autocratic rule, prompting NATO forces to intervene and try to remove him from power. The country spiraled further into chaos after Qaddafi was captured and killed by anti-government militia members, with militant Islamist groups gaining power and rampant weapons proliferation.

The 2012 terrorist attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, in which the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans were killed, has been a key source of GOP criticism against Obama and Hillary Clinton, who then served as secretary of state.

Clinton, the current Democratic presidential frontrunner, strongly encouraged the intervention. But she said at a March 7 town hall that what has happened in the country since the overthrow of Qaddafi is “deeply regrettable.”

Watch below:


  1. For this afternoon's project, compare and contrast Obama vs. Bush and their ability to learn from mistakes. For extra credit add a comparison between Biden and Cheney.

    I know, I made you ill at the mention Bush and Cheney again.


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