Ridiculous Trump defends HOAX video of ‘ISIS’ protester on Meet the Press!! LOL!

Trump hit his most ridiculous today on Meet the Press when he tried to defend posting an idiotic hoax video trying to link a protester against Trump to ISIS.

It’s completely absurd:
Here’s the hoax video:
Buzzfeed figured out what it really was:
But the alleged ISIS video actually appears to have been cobbled together from old footage in an attempt to troll Dimassimo.
The video shows footage of Dimassimo from a protest at Wright State University.
That footage, however, appears to be lifted from a video Dimassimo himself seems to have posted to YouTube. Dimassimo’s video lacks the music and images typical of ISIS productions. The description also states that the protest was done in solidarity with Eric Sheppard, a Valdosta State University student who made headlines in 2015 for standing on an American flag.
I can’t believe this guy is the frontrunner. 
